Međunarodni dan mladih


Međunarodni dan mladih obilježava se 12. kolovoza, a nastao je na inicijativu Ujedinjenih naroda. Obilježavanjem dana mladih nastoji se podići svijest svih građana Hrvatske, Europe i svijeta o važnosti mladih u društvu. Zašto je važno obilježavati ovaj dan svake godine na svjetskoj razini pitanje je od velike važnosti, na koje ću pokušati dati objašnjiv i razuman odgovor. Mladi u Hrvatskoj, kao i oni u svijetu, suočavaju se s mnogim gorućim problemima poput: velika stopa nezaposlenosti, iseljavanje, slaba uključenost mladih u politički život zajednice, nedostatak prostora za kvalitetno provođenje slobodnog vremena, nemogućnost osamostaljivanja i još mnoštvo drugih problema.



International Youth Day (IYD) is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding youth. The first IYD was observed on 12 August, 2000.



Project “Power to Change” is implemented by Hate Fighters Network from Serbia in cooperation with Udruga Impress Daruvar from Croatia, IDA Network from Bulgaria, Organisation for Strategic Development in Africa (OSDA) from Ghana, Beyond Borders from Italy, SPPMD from North Macedonia, Círculo Raíces Sardas from Argentina and Hellenic Youth Participation (HYP) from Greece . Hate Fighters Network would like to increase the skills and knowledge of the youth workers of consortium organizations at two levels: the use of different creative methods in youth work and the use of counter and alternative narratives as a tool to combat hate speech in the work with young people. Main aim: To increase the number of peace-building and combat against hate speech activities in Europe, Latin America and Africa and develop a pool of youth workers competent in this field. Project includes series of mobility activities and capacity building activities. Project will be implemented from 01.11.2019 – 30.04.2021 in 8 countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America – Argentina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ghana, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia and Serbia.
#PowerToChange #ErasmusPlus #HateFightersNetwork #sppmd #beyondbordersitaly #weareimpress #hellenicyouthparticipation #ida #osda #CirculoRaicesSardas